Welcome to Al-Aqsa English Department

Cooperation is working together peacefully


الجمعة، 19 مارس 2010

unit 5 Feeling Good (grade 8

Dear Grade 8 Students
Here are the links for all activities and worksheets for unit 5 Feeling Good
Best of Luck
http://www.mediafire.com/file/zu2hznjm0ad/homework 1.docx
http://www.mediafire.com/file/nnjrokjjhdw/homework 2.docx

الجمعة، 22 يناير 2010

Units 3 and 4

Unit 3
A visit to a City
الرسالة الشهرية
تطبيق الإتجاهات
اختبار الوحدة
Unit 4
Science Matters
الرسالة الشهرية

Unit 2 "Believe it or not"

Dear Students
Here are unit 2 forecast and materials that would help you
Good Luck

English Department

الرسالة الشهرية

احتبار الوحدة
شرح ال Suffixes
تدريب على الزمن الماضي
فيديو شرح الزمن الماضي المستمر

unit One "My Life"

Dear Grade Students,
Here are the worksheets and the forecast of unit 1
Best Regards,
Good Luck
English Department